Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trip to CA

We had the BEST time Oxnard, CA! We got to stay two whole weeks while Sam was in training for work. We stayed in the Embassy Suites right on the beach, went swimming, played at the park next to our hotel, went for a bike ride, hung out with an old mission companion of Sam's and just had so much fun! Mom and Dad came out for a weekend so we went up to Santa Barbara and a cute little town, Solvang, where Mom and Dad got their engagement ring many years ago. We also toured the Ronald Reagan Library. We spent most nights watching the sunset on the beach! Hope you enjoy the pictures!


Aim said...

Sorry we missed you guys while you were there. We'll see you hopefully after not to long.

Love Matt, Amie, Jake, Sam and soon to be baby Emily

The Lyon Den said...

Looks like fun!

Lindsey said...

too cute!!!